Identity, Discipleship, and Apologetics for Today
Kristopher Bates
2021 Episode 6

Kristopher is the Founding Director of Thinking Faith Ministries, and also serves as the Co-Artistic Director for the award winning production company The Unity Creative. He describes himself as ’Father of two, husband of one, servant of Jesus.’
Notes and links to things mentioned:
Kristopher shares his powerful testimony of coming to Christ and his faith journey that led to becoming an apologist and the ministries he shares with his wife Jodie. He also gives one of the most comprehensive and helpful definitions for ‘Apologetics’ we’ve heard. We also discussed apologetics and the arts and the importance of apologetics in discipleship and lot’s more!
Despite some technical difficulties this is a podcast that is well worth watching or listening to and sharing with friends and family who may struggle with belief in the Christian Faith.
Kristopher’s ministry: Welcome To Thinking Faith
Great quote: ‘The culture is using the arts as an apologetic to us, so it is only seems fair to return the favour!’ – Kristopher Bate
Scriptures mentioned: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 & 1 Peter 3:15
Book & DVD series recommendation: The Insanity of Belief – Nik Ripken
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