An Apologetic from Cinderella As science is ever more able to explain and help us navigate our universe, has the need for a creator been extinguished? To show just how...
How Can God Be Love? In every monotheistic religion, God is described as being loving. However Christianity is the only one to take this a step further in its...
Do All Religions Worship the Same God? With so much diversity of religion could it be that when you strip everything back, we all worship the same God? It definitely sounds like...
Does Faith Make Something True? If I asked a Christian whether they believed the Bible was true, chances are they would say yes, they do believe if it’s true. If I asked...
Why is Jesus the Only Way? Christianity makes some pretty bold claims – in fact, you could even say offensive claims. One such claim came from Jesus himself...
Why DNA Points to a Creator DNA. While high school students can pull out its full name, Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid, for me, DNA prompts a different phrase to come to...
Has Science Removed Our Need for God? I once heard a story about a prestigious scientist called Joe. One day, Joe went and told God, “Listen God, I’m not sure if...
Was the Bible Fabricated? The Bible conspiracy theory; was the Christian holy book just written by a bunch of clever men who wanted to create a religion? What a lot...
Does God Ruin Our Freedom? The question of God’s existence does not come without consequences. Whichever way you answer it will have a significant impact on...