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You'll find the latest here from our pastor and other leaders in church. We're always writing so check back here for the latest updates.
Can There Be Meaning Without God?
Can our life and existence have ULTIMATE meaning without God? The inference of meaning is a good evidence that God might be out there...
Evidence for Life After Death
22 mins | Author and apologist Lee Strobel talks about his new documentary movie ‘The Case For Heaven’ and the evidence for an...
Christianity Turned the World Upside Down
1 hr 50 mins |Village Lutheran Church in Ladue hosted a lecture “Christianity Once Turned the World Upside Down: Is It Still True?”...
Is Euthanasia Truly Compassionate?
9 mins | Paraplegic Joni Erikson Tada speaks with grace and truth about what ‘death with dignity’ really is. Credit:...
Euthanasia: A Fundamental Human Right?
8 mins | Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason responds to this week’s challenge: “Euthanasia is a fundamental human right.”...
Why Do Christians Fight Against Euthanasia?
2 mins | Alan Shlemon of Stand to Reason responds to the question: If going to Heaven is so great, why do Christians want to prolong...
Should Christians Support Euthanasia?
2 mins | What should Christians think about euthanasia? What about physician-assisted suicide? Sean briefly addresses these questions and...
Responses for Pro-Choice Arguments
1 hr | How can people best defend the unborn? What are helpful responses to the strongest pro-choice arguments? In this video, Sean...